Eat Whatever You Like!!!??? 

何でも好きなものを食べましょうという掛け声の、ユーモラスな健康の勧め。原文ではdiedですが、ややソフトにpassedにしました。passed awayより短く、かつdieからの距離が多めだからです。通り過ぎたり、試験に受かったりする意味と違うのは文脈でチェックできます。最後のウサギと亀のところは古代ギリシャを思わせます。

Eat whatever you like because…

  • the inventor of the treadmill passed at the age of 54.
  • the inventor of gymnastics passed at age 57.
  • the world bodybuilding champion passed at age 41.
  • the best footballer in the world, Maradona, passed at 60.

And then …

  • the KFC inventor passed at 94.
  • the inventor of Nutella passed at 88.
  • the inventor of Hennessy passed at 98.

How did doctors come to the conclusion that exercise prolongs life, when…

  • the rabbit is always jumping but it lives for around 2 years, and
  • the turtle that doesn’t exercise at all lives over 200 years?

So, rest, chill, eat, drink, and enjoy life!

注: あ、パンに(はい皆さん)。


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