
I suppose it’s not unusual for this sort of thing to happen to you in your kitchen. Anyhow, first there was green. A bit of regeneration in a mug-ical way.

Then there was a culinary cut for miso soup, And thenー

Genesis. Two. Or turning another new leaf.

Out of the mud, or the mug rather.

Looking cool, buddy.

Basking under the supermoon.


You made me start a morning ritualーtaking your pics and coming up with a punny title each time. It was a tree-t.

Hope you had fun, too.

Now Suzushiro lies between Rosemary and Daisy.

清白菜 見詰め過ごせば 早や五月

Watching Daikon leaves grow
From day to day to realize today
It’s May already!


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