「昨夜帰宅途中で近道をして・・・」というスタートです。もちろん墓場の横を通るわけです。と、3人の若い女性がやってきて、恐いので一緒に歩いてくれと頼む、という状況設定です。昔、大学への近道は、今ならcelebrity cemeteryとでも呼べる染井霊園をカットスルーするというコースでした。このcelemetery、夜中に通った記憶はありませんが・・・。
Last night I was walking home and decided to take a short cut past the cemetery.
Three girls walked up to me and explained that they were really scared to walk past the cemetery at night, so I agreed to let them walk along with me.
I told them, “I understand. I used to be super scared of cemeteries, too, when I was alive.” Never seen anyone run that fast!