Once an artist, always (every minute) an artist.
Congratulations on becoming a grandpa! (“Grandpa” sounds better than “Ojiisan.”)
I like that Kanzume illustration! Your sister always an artist, indeed.
Thank you! “Grandpa sounds better than Ojiisan.” I second that!
Since the baby is Spanish-Italian-Mexican-Irish-Scottish-Norwegian-Japanese-and-so-on, I suspect he’ll start calling me Abuelo or something in the near future! That’s okay with me, too.
My sister just can’t seem to help it! (^_^)
What a multinatinal grandson!!
You said it!
No more “half,” “quarter,” etc!
まさに! 孫君の”国籍”を細かく追いかけているところですが今日までに24カ国ほど。東南アジアと両極を除き、ほぼ世界を巻き込んだ赤児です。細かいことにとらわれず歩んで(まずは這い這いから)もらいたいと希望します。