Tofu-m it may concern.鶏味噌団子と揚豆腐の野菜煮


To make this dish, you need ground chicken, fried tofu, cabbage, carrots, and daikon.

Bring a pot of water, dashi, mirin, shoyu to a boil. Then add chopped fried tofu and vegetables. (I love to tear cabbage leaves by hand, grrrr.)

While it cooks, or before you do the above, use the belly of a chopping knife and flatten and spread the ground chicken. Add a bit of water to miso and dissolve it, then extend it over chicken. Use a spoon to shape meatballs.

When the veggies are almost done, add the meatballs and let the pot cook for a couple of minutes. (JUST KEEP CHECKING & TASTING!) And you are done!


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