英語島の夜 コキガエルを見つける


There it is! A tiny little coqui!


「泰平の眠りを覚ますコキガエル たった数匹で夜も寝られず」。

泰平ではないにしても、熱唱中に恐縮ながらこちらにも事情があるわけで、この好機を逃さずbaking soda(重曹)で眠ってもらうことになります。

情報: The coqui is a small tree frog slightly larger than 2.5 cm (1 in) long, with colors varying from light yellow to dark brown. It has a round body shape and a broad rounded snout with obvious toe pads. They also make a distinctive “ko-kee” vocalization that can be easily heard. They are found on ground level and in trees and bushes, but their calls are primarily made from 1-2m (3-7 feet) high.



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